Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Outside Reading Book Week 4 Post 2

A hypothetical letter written from John to his father after pages 109-142.
Dear Dad,
I would just like to start off by saying I am truly sorry for not accepting your differences. I was quick to abolish any sort of interest in your coin collection and I am just now realizing how unfair to you that was. Thanks to my wonderful girlfriend Savannah she has taught me about a condition called Asperger’s disease in which it makes one socially slower and extremely individual. I have come to believe and accept that this is what you have and who you are. She tells me non-stop what a great job you did raising me and I have nothing contradicting that statement. You did such a great job and I thank you for that. I know it must have been hard raising me alone under your conditions. I realize how hard on you it must have been having me ignore you for so long. I apologize and hope to make it up to you. I am leaving again for Germany soon and won’t be back for another year but it does make me happy to know that I can now understand you better and our relationship can grow stronger! I understand that your coins mean so much to you and I want you to know that I am willing to put my full most effort into understanding your love for coins and I want to be there for you because it is something that is your passion!
I love you dad!

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