Monday, October 8, 2007

Diving Bell and Butterfly Journal

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly by Jean Dominique Bauby was a very interesting and intriguing story. Although very difficult to interpret it kept me entertained. I'm not sure if I would recommend the story to others. I thought that it was incredibly boring. Their was no plot and it switched from the prospectives of the 'butterfly' and the 'diving bell' without any hints. The stories he told and the thoughts he recorded were very difficult to decipher and it took me a long time to interpret what he was saying in a literal manner. Also I thought the story was very difficult to follow because the chapters were not related to each other at all. All of the stories he told were really random and had no correlation to the previous chapters nor the upcoming chapters. I think that it is really amazing that Bauby was able to write this book. It was one of the reasons that kept me reading; just because of the fact that he blinked it. I felt bad not reading it because he put so much time and effort into it. It shows so much character and determination of Bauby to finish the book and not give up. I was thoroughly impressed. My favorite part of the book was when he described what it was like to live in the hospital being a quadriplegic. This was my favorite part because I thought it was really interesting to learn about and to figuratively experience what it would be like. And how drastically your life would change. My least favorite part was when he talked about the future and his predictions. It was extremely metaphorical and hard to understand. Also I think it was hard to understand because I would never be able to understand what he is thinking because I could never imagine what it would be like to be paralyzed. Overall it was not my favorite book but I definitely found it interesting enough to hold my attention.

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